➡️Agency Dashboard <=== START HERE and bookmark it
➡️ Are you Licensed, Carriers Setup in SureLC, Have Access to HQ >>> Enroll in "Flight School Here"
➡️All the Carrier Website Links <=== Bookmark this one!!!
➡️Carrier Cheat Sheet - Spreadsheet (original link from
➡️Carrier Matrix (Core Carriers - 13 page)
➡️Build Chart Guide
➡️Types of Coverage We Offer Visual (helpful to text clients)
➡️Pending Business Tracking Guide 🚨NEW🚨(How to see if you have pending requirements)
➡️Highest Compensation Products 🚨NEW 🚨(transparency - not all products pay the same %)
Audio Training Clips (Soundcloud)
➡️Working Older Leads (when brand new we usually have you practice with old leads, this will help you get appointments on those old ones)
➡️Master The Phones with the Masters - Part 1
➡️Master The Phones with the Masters - Part 2
➡️The Dreaded “Think About It”
➡️Role and Purpose – Cicily and Ayres Newsome
➡️John Ziller - Presenting the Critical Period Coverage Properly (Buying Them 'Time')
Video Training Clips
➡️How to Add Your Application To OPT (either for a referral or a lead)
➡️How to buy leads in OPT (what to buy, where to buy, etc)
➡️How to present Critical Period Coverage (Role Play with Joe and Jordan)